
A Horse’s Prayer   馬の祈り


A Horse’s Prayer   (Author Unknown)

To thee, my master, I offer my prayer.
Feed me, water and care for me
And when the day’s work is done,
Provide me with a clean shelter, a clean dry bed
And a stall wide enough for me to lie down in comfort;
Be always gentle to me, and talk to me;
Your voice often means more to me than the reins.
Pat me sometimes that I may serve you
The more gladly and learn to love thee.
Do not jerk the reins,
And do not whip me when going up hill.
Never strike, beat or kick me
When I do not understand what you mean,
But give me a chance to understand you.
Watch me, and if I fail to do your bidding,
See if something is wrong
With my harness, or feet.
Don’t draw the straps too tight.
Give me freedom to move my head.
If you insist on me wearing blinkers
To keep me from looking around, at least,
See to it that they do not press against my eyes.
Don’t make my load too heavy,
And, don’t leave me tied up in the rain.
Have me well shod,
Examine my teeth when I do not eat;
I may have an ulcerated tooth
And that you know is painful enough.
Do not tie my head in an unnatural position,
Or take away my best defence against flies
By cutting off my tail.
I cannot tell you when I’m thirsty
So please give me pure cold water frequently.
Do all you can to protect me from the sun
And throw a cover over me
When I am standing out in the cold.
Don’t force an ice cold bit into my mouth,
But warm it first
In some warm water, or in your hands.
I always try to do cheerfully
The work you require of me.
And day and night
I stand for hours waiting for you.
And finally my master,
When my useful strength is gone,
Do not turn me out to starve or freeze,
Or sell me to a cruel owner
To be slowly tortured and starved to death.
But do thee my master take my life
In the kindest way.
And your God will reward you here and hereafter.
You may not think me irreverent
If I ask this in the name of
Him who was born in a stable.
